My Daily Mindset

Control Issues...How To Use Them To Become The Person You Want To Be

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 128

Most of us prefer to be in control. Some like to say "control freak" Learn how to use your control issues for your benefit!

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We have around 70,000 thoughts every single day. A lot of those thoughts are not positive thoughts. How do you get those 70,000 thoughts to be on the positive side? You have to practice. You have to rewire. Welcome to my Daily Mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. Are you a control freak? And I don't mean freaking bad sense. That's the same, right? Control freak. He's a control freak. She's a control freak. You know what I think most of us are control freaks. If you look at it like that. And when I talk about freaks, it's really just issues. Most people like to be in control, right? If you're not driving a car, a lot of people are like, Oh, I'm out of control. That's a control issue. There's a relationship control. There's so many different control things, right? Some people are a little more controlling than others, obviously. But Here's the thing. I think most of us inherently want to be in control. So this is what I want to talk to you about, using the urge to be in control for your benefit and to rewire the brain in the way you want it to be. Okay, so thoughts. We have around 70,000 thoughts every single day. A lot of those thoughts are not positive thoughts. How do you get those 70 0 thoughts to be on the positive side? You have to practice. You have to rewire. So what I'm saying is today, think about your thoughts. Like, really be mindful recognize as they pop through as they go through. And if you want to be in control of something, be in control of yourself. That's the first thing. Forget trying to be in control of other people, because that's what most people try and do. But in reality, those people aren't really in control of themselves. I digress going back to of the thought. So today just really be mindful. Pay attention to those thoughts that are flowing through your mind and refocus them and redirect them to where you want them to be, because a lot of them are negative. Right? We get worrisome. We start freaking out about things, and we go down these rabbit holes for, like, 30 minutes and you're like, Oh, my gosh, what have I been doing? Just ruminating on something for 30 minutes that you really didn't need to. Now, if you would have paid attention, you would have been mindful. You could have caught that 30 seconds in 10 seconds. In five seconds. As soon as it pops up, you go, I'm not going to go down that route. I'm going to rewire it. I'm going to go think about this. Right? And I always say there's no problems. There's only solutions. Right? So that's a great way to think about this. So when something pops into your mind and you're like, well, I'm not going to go that route. What's a more positive, or how can I redirect this to be beneficial to me? So when you start to redirect your thoughts, you start to rewire your brain. And then after time I've talked about the 5 95% here, 5% are just conscious, right? 95 are subconscious. That's how we live our days in our lives. And to make sure that in that subconscious, that is your habits throughout the day are what you want them to be. You have to rewire the brain to automatically do that. So with all of that said, start really paying attention to your thoughts right now and especially for the next hour, and then continue it through the day. The goal is to continuously be paying attention to your thoughts, right? So that you can rewire to become the person that you want to be. So go out, have an amazing day. And remember, this is your life. Live your wife. Hey, thanks for listening today. I appreciate it if you did enjoy it and you got some value of it. Hey, share it with somebody. Also, if you can give us a review on whether it's Apple podcast or whatever format you listen to. Also, I want to let you know that, Hey, the motivation you have right now, if you want to turn that into real results, I have a system. It's called True Path. It took me over 20 years to develop it's a life management system. It gives you the directions, structure, and accountability you needed to become the person you want to be. It's a simple system, but it's Super powerful. So I have this at True Path system com. And so check this out. You get the entire system, which includes the physical book itself that has the system in it, the workshop setup, workshop intro videos. Also, I'll be doing a live coaching session each week. If you want to participate into that. All of that for 27 dollars. That's crazy now because you're listening to my Daily mindset. If you enter Encode Mdm, I'm going to give you 25% more off. So that's like 20 dollar. So if you are ready to take your life to the next level, go check it out. The link is in the description. It's True Past system com. Alright, guys, go out and have an amazing one. And remember, this is your life. Live it your wife.