My Daily Mindset

ME TIME - Do You Take Time to Take Care of Yourself?

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 134

Me Time is a very important activity that can rejuvenate you and allow you to take on what the world throws your way.

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Start giving yourself, as I said yesterday, a little more self love. Be more selfish and give yourself your little me times. And I'm telling you your days, your weeks, your life will be better. Welcome to my daily mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. Yesterday I talked about being selfish, giving yourself more self love. And, you know, one of the ways that I said you can do this is by giving yourself some me time. So today I want to just kind of go into me time a little bit more, because meantime can be anything. As I said yesterday, it's anything that you really enjoy. Now, with that said, a lot of people like I have zero time to give myself me time, right? Everybody is Super busy, whether it's family, whether it's business, whatever. Here's the thing. Me and I sort of mentioned it yesterday. It can be literally just taking a moment, like five minutes. I said in your car, just by yourself, whatever. But that's the thing is, if you can just be with yourself, I mean, 60 seconds of stopping, slowing down and just letting yourself catch up to everything else, taking little moments like that during the day. I do it all the time. I called their little meditative sessions for me, and they can literally be 30 or 60 seconds of me just kind of stop. Sometimes I'll just close my eyes and I'll just, like, sit there and really reinforce the fact that, Hey, everything's good, everything's okay. It actually re centers me, and it allows me to move forward in the day. And I'm talking 30 seconds, 60 seconds, because a lot of people like, Oh, I don't have the time to take for myself to go do this or do that, perhaps a meantime or whatever. And again, me time does not have to be time consuming. It can literally be 30 or 60 seconds little breaks during the day. So try that this weekend as we go into the weekend, give yourself some time. If you can give yourself longer extended periods, watching a movie or whatever, do that. But if you can't start practicing these little like I said, they're a little 30 to 60 seconds of meditative States that I do, and they really do help. And you get sort of better at them as you go along, because you start to really enjoy the silence and just being with yourself with nothing else for 30 to 60 seconds. And again, it sort of rejuvenate you for the next hour or two. So try that this weekend. Start adopting that into your life. Start giving yourself, as I said yesterday, a little more self love. Be more selfish and give yourself your little me times. And I'm telling you your days, your weeks, your life life will be better. All right. God, have an amazing one. I remember this is your life will be your wife. Hey, thanks for listening me today. I appreciate it if you did enjoy it and you got some value of it. Hey, share it with somebody. Also, if you can give us a review on whether it's Apple podcast or whatever format you listen to, also, I want to let you know that, Hey, the motivation you have right now, if you want to turn that into real results, I have a system. It's called True Path. It took me over 20 years to develop it's a life management system. It gives you the direction, structure, and accountability needed to become the person you want to be. It's a simple system, but it's Super powerful. So I have this at True Path System com. And so check this out. You get the entire system, which includes the physical book itself that has the system in it. The workshop setup, workshop Intro videos. Also, I'll be doing a live coaching session each week. If you want to participate into that, all of that for 27 dollars. That's crazy now because you're listening to my Daily mindset. If you enter Encode Mdm, I'm going to give you 25% more off. So that's like 20 dollars. So if you are ready to take your life to the next level, go check it out. The link is in the description. It's True Pass System com. You guys go out and have an amazing one. And remember, this is your life. Live your wife.