My Daily Mindset
My Daily Mindset
Learn in 5 Minutes What Mindfulness Truly is and How You Can Easily Start a Daily Practice Right Now! (Replay)
In this quick 5 minute talk, I tell you the true (or at least in my own view) meaning of Mindfulness is and how it helps you live a better life, and of course how you can start your own practice...Right Now!
All episodes available at www.mydailymindset.com
Find more on TRUE PATH at www.truepathsystem.com
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Right when I talk about mindfulness and the definition of it, my definition is this and it's very simple. It is the art of paying attention on purpose. So it's an art because you have to practice it. You don't just wake up one day and all of a sudden you're mindful. That's not the way it works. You have to practice it because essentially mindfulness practice is just exercising your brain. Most of us go to the gym or, you know, exercise our bodies. Most of us do because, you know, we want to live longer, healthier and happier. But almost I don't want to say nobody. But very few people sit there and exercise their brain, people that consistently do mindfulness practice do because that's exactly what mindfulness practice is. It is exercising your brain.