My Daily Mindset

Learn to Rewire Your Brain to Live in the Present

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 139

Most of us spend our days living in the past or future, which is not actually living if you ask me. Living in the present is where you actually experience life. Today, learn how to start rewiring your brain to begin to live in the present.

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Because when you're mindful, you're living in the present and what most of us do most of the time is we live in the future and in the past, which to me, is not actually living. You're either remembering or you're worrying, but you're not actually here in the present, which is actually living. Welcome to my daily mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. There are a few subjects that are near and dear to my heart, and mindfulness is one of them, in my opinion, probably the most important trait that we can develop as humans. Because when you're mindful, you're living in the present and what most of us do most of the time is we live in the future and in the past, which to me, is not actually living. You're either remembering or you're worrying, but you're not actually here in the present, which is actually living. And when you start to do that, that more and more life gets good. It's more enjoyable. It's more exciting. Like I said, you're actually living instead of off into what I call la la land. So how do you do that? You don't just wake up one day and all of a sudden you're like, Oh, cool. And mindful, I'm living in the present. It's not the way it works. That's what it's called mindfulness practice, because you have to practice it. You have to rewire your brain to be in the present. Now, you're never going to be in the present 100% of the time. But the more you practice, the more you will be living in the present, which is actually living, which is actually enjoying and having a happy, fulfilled life instead of just sitting there remembering the past or worrying about the future. So today, just today, you don't think about for the rest of your life or this week or this month. But just for today, start paying attention. Pay attention to your thoughts and understand like, Oh, well, I was just in the past or I'm in the future. Focus back in. Get into the present. This is the way you start to rewire it because mindful is practiced. That's what it is. It's not you sitting. It can be just sitting there to concentrate on your breathing or something like that. But it's also just you catching yourself throughout the day that will start to rewire the brain. So just pay attention. You can even set alarms. That's a cool thing to do is set an alarm for once an hour when the alarm goes off. Let me hold on. What am I actually doing? Where was I? That's a good way to start just starting to focus in on the presence, because I promise you, when the alarm goes off, you will probably either be in the past of the future at that point. So that's kind of a cool thing to do, maybe do that today, just set your alarm for once an hour, maybe for the next three hours. 4 hours. And just kind of observe. Do a little test on yourself. Alright, start living in the present. Start rewiring the mind, the brain to be present so you can start living and enjoying your life more. So go and have an amazing day. And remember, this is your life. Live it your way. I appreciate you listening today. And hopefully you found something useful in today's message. And if you did, and if you did find value, please comment. Also share it with somebody else that may benefit from this. And if you haven't already, please Subscribe so that you can get an inspirational educational and motivational message for me every single day.