My Daily Mindset
My Daily Mindset
Learn to Control Your Life, by Controlling Your Breath (Replay)
Our breath is so powerful, when used correctly. Most people don't even think about it, but when you can learn to control it, you learn to control your life.
All episodes available at www.mydailymindset.com
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It gets rid of 70% of the toxins in your body. I will repeat that when you take deep, deep, slow, deep breath. You get rid of when you exhale, you get rid of 70% of the toxins in your body. Not seven or 17 but 70 to fill in the gaps. 19% is through. Perspiration 8% is through urination and 3% from defecation 70% from exhale. So take long, slow, deep breath during the day at any point and you're going to be getting rid of a bunch of junk in your body and you'll already be healthier. Also, when you inhale and you take big, deep breath you're now Oxygenating all of your cells in your body and your brain. Another thing is anxiety, right? So a lot of people having.