My Daily Mindset

Who Gives a F*CK? You Do! (explicit language)

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 145

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we are programed to care what others think about us. This leads us to live unauthentic lives.

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It's okay to think about what other people think about you if you're using that to better yourself. But if you're doing it to become yourself upon what other people think of it, that's wrong. Welcome to my daily mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. Do you care what other people think about you? Of course you do. Almost everybody cares what other people think about them. It's human nature. It's how we're sort of brought up in the society. You want to be this person. This is success, blah, blah, blah. Right. But Here's the deal. At the end of the day, who gives a f*** what other people think about you? Now? It's okay to think about what other people think about you if you're using that to better yourself. But if you're doing it to become yourself upon what other people think of it, that's wrong. So if that's you, which is most of us, Here's the thing. I consider myself extremely independent, extremely independent thinking. And to me, I don't give a f*** what other people think about me and what I do and how I feel to a certain degree. Right? Obviously, I was raised in the society, so I am programmed to a degree that's going to come up. Right? That's my default program. What does that person think about what I'm doing or whatever. Right. What is this group? And again, if you use that to better yourself, cool. But if you're using it to become who you are, then that's wrong. So the point here is, stop worrying about what everybody else thinks about what you do, how you live, what you think. If you start to do that and it's deprogramming is really what it comes down to. It's retraining the brain, right? To think and become your authentic self, the person you want to be. And when you can do that, life is amazing. You wake up happy with yourself. You go to bed happy with yourself every single day instead of waking up thinking, Okay, how do I please so and so or this group or whatever, and going to bed thinking the same thing. So with all of that said, go into this weekend and just pay attention to your thoughts. This is how it starts. You have to be mindful. You have to pay attention to the thoughts that flow through your head and you have to catch them. You have to start catching them instead of letting them take you down this road. It could be 30 minutes. It could be 30 days of Oh, I've been trying to please everybody else instead of myself. So start watching your thoughts. This start right now, like when the thoughts come in, like, Oh, why am I doing this? And it's about examining yourself and your thoughts to become the person that you want to be. That's ultimately living an amazing life is living and doing what you want to do every single day, not what everybody else wants you to do. So who gives a f*** what other people think? That's the message today. So go into this weekend, examine your thoughts, start living life your way. Not theirs. Alright, go out. Have an amazing one. I'll see you on Monday. Remember, this is your life. Live your way. I appreciate you listening today. And hopefully you found something useful in today's message. And if you did, and if you did find value, please comment. Also share it with somebody else that may benefit from this. And if you haven't already, please Subscribe so that you can get an inspirational, educational and motivational message for me every single day.