My Daily Mindset

How To Have More Energy Than You Know What To Do With!

Casey Moran Season 1 Episode 152

There is one thing we all need, and the more consistent you are with it, you are a happier, healthier you...Sleep.

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As soon as you find the recipe that works for you, just stick with it. And I'm telling you your sleep will get better, which will therefore allow you to have more energy during the day and be a better. You. Welcome to my Daily Mindset, where you get an inspirational, educational and motivational message each day to help you live your best life. Everybody would like more energy in their life. They like to wake up and be energized and have energy all day. The title is How to Have More Energy Than You Know What to Do With. And I'm going to give you one simple thing to do. It's not that simple, I guess for some people, because I've struggled with it for years. I'm much better now because I've worked on it. And it is sleep. If you get seven to 9 hours of quality sleep each night, you will have more energy than you know what to do with a simple as that. Most of us, especially here in America, do not get seven hours of sleep. We get less than that. And people think they're okay. I have asked people I have had clients that come in. I'm like, okay. It's one of the first things I address. How much sleep do you get and how do you sleep? I get five, maybe 6 hours of sleep and they think they're fine. They think they run at. But Here's the deal. If you get less than seven to 9, whatever your body mind requires to heal, to get recharged, you're not running at now. You may think you are running because that's what you get used to. That is your normal, which maybe maybe maybe so if you do get less than seven hours of sleep on average, and if you're tired during the day, you have these roles. I mean, there's a lot of things that go into this, right? How you eat exercise. There's a lot of things supplementation. But the Foundation before you even address the other things is sleep. If you can. If you can get your sleep on points, things start to turn around just like that, because you are now recharge and you have more willpower and you are just a better you, which will allow you to eat better, which will allow you to exercise, which will allow you to do the things you need to do to be the best you. Sleep is number one. It's always been in my book before I address anything else, I go into sleep, and if you don't get the correct sleep, start working on it. And like I said, I've had sleep issues my entire life. It's tough for me to go to sleep. I've tried everything under the Sun from Melatonin to you name it. I've tried it right. And for me, the thing that really got me as routine, just like I have a morning routine every morning that gets me ready for the day. I have an evening routine that gets me ready for sleep. Now, does that mean it works every single time? No, because what happens for me is when my head hits the pillow. A lot of times my brain just goes into thinking mode. And that's one reason I started writing down my day the night before because it it's a dump. I get all that stuff out of my brain out of the piece of paper which will be waiting for me in the morning. So then I can go to sleep and have a better night sleep, not worry about what I was thinking about. And there are a ton of tips and tricks upon getting better sleep. And what I would suggest to you is if you do have sleep issues or you don't get the correct amount of sleep. First of all, come up with a routine, and it can be just like a morning routine, a simple three step sort of routine. Like, what do you do at night? Maybe you press your teeth before you get into bed. Definitely turn off screens all the things that you're told to do, try little things and get into this sort of routine. And as soon as you find the recipe that works for you, just stick with it. And I'm telling you, your sleep will get better, which will therefore allow you to have more energy during the day and be a better you, which will then allow you to sleep better because you are more energetic and better you. It's a cycle. So the whole point of this is get your sleep. If you have real issues, go see somebody. Go do your research, start working on it. Because I'm telling you, once you can fix that, life gets so much better. And if you don't have trouble sleep, if you sleep like, you know, I know people that they literally lay down on bedded as soon as their head hits the pillow, they're asleep. And I'm so jealous of those people. And then they wake up and they're like, Boom, I'm ready to go. And that's great. But it is the number one thing in life. If you don't have the correct sleep, you're not energized. You're not recharged. You're not ready to go. Do the things that you want to do. So make sure you're getting the sleep that you need, all right, and you will have more energy than you know what to do with, I promise you. All right. Go out. Have an amazing one. Remember, this is your life. Live your way. I appreciate you listening today, and hopefully you found something useful in today's message. And if you did, and if you did find value, please comment. Also, share it with somebody else that may benefit from this. And if you haven't already, please Subscribe so that you can get an inspirational, educational and motivational message for me every single day.